Love spring? Looking for something to do to get outside more?
14th February is national nest box week. This week is the best time of year to pop a new nest box, or if you already have one its time to give it a spring clean! (Be sure to check no birds are currently using the box as all wild birds, birds nest and their eggs are protected in the UK!). You could even make your own! RSPB have a great step by step guide here. Spring is when most birds will pair off and start looking for and building new nests.
Not only are we starting to get longer days and warmer nights there as some fantastic signs from nature that spring is on its way.
Snowdrops are often known as an indicator that spring is on its way. They are only a small flower, measuring just 15cm tall, there bright white flowers make them easy to spot. They have been known as a symbol for hope for better times ahead, whilst a single flower was viewed as a sign for death.
Historically the bulbs were used to treat headaches, and in modern medicine are used to help treat dementia, but is poisonous if eaten.
Blackthorns white blossom is the one of the first flowers of the season, providing food to insects and birds, this flower blooms before the leaves have started to grow!
They have a blueish-black fruit called sloes, which has a very sour taste but are rich in vitamin C.

Bluebells start to carpet the woodland in April and May the bright purple flowers are easy to spot and attract pollinating insects. They along with other species are a good way of identifying whether a woodland is ancient or not.
Historically the sap was once used as an adhesive for books and arrows
Red squirrels moult two times a year, one now where they change from their winter coat to the summer one.
Kittens are typically born in spring and will begin foraging for their own food in about 10 weeks!
Have you seen any other signs of spring?
Why not record them on iNaturalist or use the app to see where you can find them in your local area.
Don’t forget, if you’ve seen any red or grey squirrels you can report your sightings here
Looking for places to visit? Why not check out our The 10 best places to see red squirrels in the UK! blog.